Click here to listen to Guy Fieri with on KCMO talk radio in Kansas City, MO. The Road Show is scheduled at the Midland on December 7, 2009.
And Twitter is a-buzz with tour bus sightings on the road:

And Guy Fieri sightings in L.A. and at the airport:

Haha, I love Twitter. I suspect that this TwitPic from @ChefGuyFieri was taken at the Bazaar???
In preparation for the Road Show in Mesa, Arizona, Foodies Like Us interviewed Guy Fieri recently and wrote a brilliant article. Read the full article here. They say, in part,
This year, we were offered the opportunity to promote Fieri’s Roadshow at the Mesa Arts Center and we decided to host the pre-party that features 11 of the restaurants in Arizona that have been on Triple D. These events will take place on December 18, 2009. ...
When I told him all about the pre-party before his Roadshow in Mesa, uniting all the chefs who have been on the show in Az, he said he “literally have chills,” and “I am so excited to hear you are doing that, you made my day.”
The article has some great questions and quotes. Here are a few of my favorites:
His favorite part of his job is, “The positive impact the shows have had on people. When people tell me I’ve changed their business, then I know I’m doing this right,” he said. ...
I am a huge fan of pitting foods against one another and asking the inevitable: If you only could choose one, which would it be? Here’s what Fieri had to say:
Chocolate vs. Peanut Butter: Peanut Butter—I don’t like chocolate
Wasabi vs. Horseradish: Horseradish—that kills me—I own a restaurant called “Tex Wasabi’s!”
Steak or lobster: steak
Cherry or strawberry: strawberry, you realize there’s like 17 facets to each of these answers?
Guacamole vs. salsa: Salsa—my head is close to popping off my body with these questions, you know that right?
Chips or Ice Cream: Chips
BBQ or Chinese: ahhh Chinese!
Red Wine or White Wine: oh yea red wine
Mojito or Mai Tai: Mai Tai
Do read the rest of the article. It's really very well done. Again, here's the link.
Click here to read about Guy's Thanksgiving. And Guy tells Milwaukee's A.V. Club whether his expectations have been met on the first 7 stops of the Road Show:
Oh, they’ve been met. Exceeded, really. You plan something like this out in your mind and of course, you plan it with the best expectations. How do you take a show that’s about food, about people, about cooking, about fun, and how do you put it all together? But I have two of my best guys out there, a great DJ and some other crazy characters and it’s a total rock ‘n’ roll environment on stage. The biggest crowd we played so far was about 2,300, and, man, we throw a party. It’s been out of control.Click here for Guy Fieri Road Show meet and greet photos.
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