If you are interested in being in the audience, tickets are available through www.standingroomonly.tv:

Saturday, Jan 16 - 2:30pm - 7:00pm
Sunday, Jan 17, 1:45pm - 5:30pm
Sunday, Jan 17, 5:15pm - 8:30pm
Monday, Jan 18, 1:45pm - 5:30pm
Monday, Jan 18, 5:15pm - 8:30pm
Tuesday, Jan 19, 1:45pm - 5:30pm
Tuesday, Jan 19, 5:15pm - 8:30pm
According to the Press Democrat, Minute to Win It was originally scheduled for a summer run. Instead, the show will premiere post-Olympics on NBC Sundays, beginning March 14, 2010.
7-8 p.m. - "Dateline NBC"
8-9 p.m. - "MINUTE TO WIN IT"
9-11 p.m. - "The Celebrity Apprentice"
Carrie Grosvenor, of about.com wrote, "Sunday nights haven't traditionally been great for new game shows, and I'm a little concerned about this one going up against the new season of The Amazing Race, which premieres a month earlier and will be well underway when Minute to Win It begins."

It's been reported that some examples of the tasks set before the contestants will be:
* A pedometer is attached to the head and contestant must move their head to rack up a total 150 “steps” to complete the game.
* Contestant must throw beanbags one-at-a-time to hit battery operated “moon lights” hanging on a wall 10 feet away. There are 9 lights and all are lit at the start. The objective is to get all 9 lights off.
* Contestant must blow a bubble from a bubble wand and then blow it in the air 15 feet and through a hoop.
* Contestant must pull a dollar bill from between two bottles balanced mouth-to-mouth on top of each other. The bottles must remain balanced after the dollar is pulled. The contestant must successfully make 1 out of 5 attempts.
See video commercials for the show here and here. Follow Minute to Win It on Twitter, here, also known as Min to Win, M2WI and MTWI.
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