Ray "Dr. BBQ" Lampe (website) and Jay "The Tailgate Guy" DiEugenio (website) were back as judges.
DrBBQ - Tailgate Warriors starts shooting Saturday! Guy's the host, I'm a judge and real tailgaters are cooking. Catfish OK, but please no snake!

Marcellus Wiley (website), a retired San Diego Charger selected to the AFC Pro Bowl team in 2001 and current co-host of "Winners Bracket" on ABC, was on set as a judge too.
marcelluswiley - On the set of Tailgate Warriors with Guy Fieri. After today, I will definitely be north of 300!

ChefGuyFieri - In Seattle for Tailgate Warriors shoot…it’s the battle on the grid iron and the blacktop

More pictures -
Guy Fieri with the Seattle Sea Gals - sportstechieNET
Marcellus with a Seattle Sea Dog - sportstechieNET
Dr. BBQ on set - sportstechieNET
Guy Fieri with BJ Shea and crew - BJShea
Guy Fieri with producer at judge's table - RevEnFuego
BJ Shea with Guy in background - RevEnFuego
Seahawk Fiend and friends - RevEnFuego
Marcellus with Seattle Sea Gals - marcelluswiley
Roast beast on TGW set - marcelluswiley
Tailgate Warriors set - marcelluswiley
Fan with Guy Fieri - TalkSportyToMe
Hawk One Tailgate Warriors - thank you Tom!
Jay the Tailgate Guy - NFL Tailgate Nation
If you have more pictures from the shoot you'd like to share with other fans, post a comment below with a link.

And click here for Sports Techie's blog about the day.
Next on the TGW shoot schedule, August 28 - San Francisco @ Oakland and September 9 - Minnesota @ New Orleans!
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Recent interviews w/ Guy Fieri, plus more
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