According to the FN Dish, "The Big Bite personality that is Guy Fieri has been cooking up a storm with some of his closest friends (hint - there are TONS of special guests in the upcoming episodes of Guy’s Big Bite)."
Secretary Confidential, contributor to the FN Dish, shared some information about Guy's set. Below is an original sketch of Guy’s Big Bite set and the executed version.

- The sets are built off site and then brought into the studio to assemble. Off site it takes about 3 weeks to build, and then it’s assembled in about 3 days in the studio upstairs.
- The hubcaps on the wall are all from vintage cars that Design Director, Wendy Waxman, collected.
- The fridge with the racing stripe was custom designed specifically for Guy’s set.
Food Network insider, Bruce Seidel, reveals Guy’s new set additions right here on Monday, April 13.

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