(Posted Friday, April 24, 2009) Louisville, Kentucky's Courier-Journal says, "TV chef Guy Fieri is excited about his first Derby."

"But what he really wanted to do as a kid, says Fieri — who is not a small man — was ... wait for it ... become a jockey. Yes, the man who goes coast-to-coast downing Chicago dogs and fiery Texas tamales actually dreamed of riding horses. That is why he's especially excited about coming to Louisville next week to host the inaugural Oaks Bourbon Brunch [reported earlier here]. It will be his first Derby."

And what will he wear? "... the guy who likes to rock the '50s bowling shirts has one question about Derby: 'What's the proper attire, bro?'"
I'm sure I don't know. But here's what Heff wore ...

So here's a suggestion for proper attire for Guy ... ?

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