Our answer: Your spam blocker may have prevented Ritz Crackers from sending your confirmation. As you know, RITZ is no longer accepting recipe submissions. But they invite you back between March 28 and April 7, 2011 to vote for the top 10 finalists. Each vote counts as an entry into a sweepstakes to win Guy Fieri autographed swag! Visit www.facebook.com/ritzcrackers and click on the Guy Fieri app for more.

Our answer: We're still working on getting more information about Guy Fieri's wardrobe on Minute to Win It. But we do have a lot of information about the brands of shirts he wears on his Food Network shows. Most of Guy's shirts are Cubavera, and he says he's been wearing Fender shirts lately too. See trivia questions. From GuyFieri.com, "to name a few: Remetee, Roar, Cubavera, Affliction, Fender."
If you're looking for Guy Fieri Knuckle Sandwich shirts, they are available from his website. www.shopguyfieri.com

Our answer: Guy Fieri has maintained his 210-215 lbs since starting with the Food Network in 2006. When Guy first started Diners, Drive-ins and Dives in 2007, he had no exercise plan. But now, when he is not on the road, he tries to follow a balanced diet including counting vegetables. He lifts weights for 45 minutes and does about 45 minutes of cardio each day.
Also keep in mind that although we see him eating TONS on the Food Network, several dishes at each restaurant, three restaurants in 30 minutes, five or six hours each week, he isn't eating THAT much food in such a short time.
Diners, Drive-ins and Dives typically shoots, on average, 7 or 8 restaurants each month. He and his film crew start each day with a blended juice of fruits and vegetables. And at each restaurant, Guy will usually only take 2 or 3 bites of each dish. It isn't as many calories as one might think. :)
Her reply: "Thanks-I would love to be with him-and eat some of that stuff-IT LOOKS SOOOOO GOOOOD!!!!"

Our answer: That was from the Signature Sandwiches episode of Diners, Drive-ins and Dives. If you'd like to set your calendar or DVR, it is re-airing on Mar 26, 27 and Apr 11, 2011. At the time I'm writing you, no recipes for that episode have been posted, so you may want to keep checking back every few days, or so.
*Update* Recipe for Blueberry Goat Cheese Pie - recipe - courtesy Moira Sommers, Co-Owner/Chef of 3 Sisters Cafe in Indianapolis, IN
Alternately, you may consider contacting the restaurant directly, to see if they're willing to share the recipe. If they do, let us know too! :) The restaurant has no website, but here is their address and phone number:
3 Sisters Cafe
6360 Guilford Ave., Indianapolis, Indiana 46220
(317) 257-5556

Our answer: We haven't seen any upcoming dates in Massachusetts, but that doesn't mean there won't be any. The closest appearance we've seen so far is the Cooking Demo in Linden, NJ.
The Guy Fieri Food Tour only has dates so far in the Southeast and through the central Midwest, none along the eastern seaboard, none in the West. That surprised us. We wonder if he won't hit those areas later in the summer or fall.

Our answer: It's a cross cut walnut, produced by the Vermont Butcher Block. In earlier episodes, he used a 16" x 20" walnut end grain cutting board and a 16" x 20" cherry end grain cutting board by Ozark West.

Our answer: Yes, as a matter of fact Dixie Bones was on the short list for a segment of Diners, Drive-ins and Dives, but a schedule just couldn't be arranged. They're definitely on the short list for the next time Guy is taping for the show in that area! Click here for more Diners, Drive-ins and Dives in the D.C. metro area.
We've been in touch with the owners of Dixie Bones and are eager for them to be featured. Thanks for writing in with your support!

Our answer: Great question! In his early 20's, Guy was working as a manager at a growing chain of restaurants in southern California. Lori walked into the restaurant, and Guy fell in love at first sight. He courted her and won her over. :)
She's originally from Rhode Island.
You can watch Guy's Chefography Part 2 at www.eatmedaily.com. Check out the video right about the 5:00 minute mark.
Related Posts:
Fan questions, February 2011
Fan questions, Mid-February 2011
Fan questions, January 2011
-> more Guy Fieri Frequently Asked Questions <-
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