Dan from Mount Ephraim wrote, "Guy, I toatly love diners, drives and dives. The only thing that I don't get, if I watch 3 hours of your show and watch you eat everything in site, how come you don't weigh about 300 pounds? You are the man."
Our answer: Ah, the magic of television! Fortunately, Guy doesn't eat at three restaurants in 30 minutes. Typically, two restaurants are taped in one day, and they tape 7 restaurants over the course of 4 days. Moreover, Guy's schedule usually has him out for Triple D about once a month. So it really isn't as much food as it appears to be after editing. :)

Our answer: Guy's bbq sauces and salsas are available in many grocery stores. They're also available online through FoodNetworkStore.com. And let us know how it works out? Thanks for writing in!
Denise from Austin, Texas asked, "How did you get started doing Diners, drive ins and Dives?"
Our answer: I think that story is best told by David Page, the creator and original producer of the show. Check out this interview. Enjoy! And let me know if you want to know anything else about the story?
Thomas asked, "where is Guy's hometown and restaurant?"
Our answer: Guy is originally from Ferndale, CA and now lives in Santa Rosa, CA. His first restaurant, Johnny Garlic's, is also located in Santa Rosa, and it now has three other locations in nearby Windsor, Roseville and Dublin, California. Guy's second restaurant concept is Tex Wasabi's, with locations in Santa Rosa and Sacramento. Visit www.johnnygarlics.com and www.texwasabis.com.
Jessi of Glasgow, MO wrote, "My Dad was telling me about watching one of your shows and you had a salsa on there that took pineapple. He only caught the tail end of the recipe. I was wanting to surprise him with a "father-daughter" night and make that salsa for him. Would you please e-mail me that recipe? Thank you."
Our answer: I believe the recipe you were looking for is Guy Fieri's Roasted Pineapple and Pepper Salsa. Check it out and let me know if it is the one!
Gregory from Rochester MI asked, "What kind of dog does he have? And do you have a picture?"
Our answer: At last count, Guy has three dogs: two rottweilers, Medusa and Diesel, and a chihuahua, Rock Star. There's also Pops, the family's turtle. :) Rock Star made a guest appearance on an episode of "Dear Food Network: Thanksgiving" a few years ago! I can't find any pictures right now! But if I come across some, will be sure to forward them along.
Sean wrote, "Guy and I met while he filmed at the resturant in westport ct. the Black Duck, and I have a question what is the ring he wears that apears to have the letter R on it."
Our answer: Guy wears a ring with the initials RRF, which stand for his oldest son's name, Ryder Ramsay Fieri. When Ryder grows up, he'll get the family heirloom ring. On his other hand, Guy wears a ring with his younger son's initials.
Mike from Florida asked, "I would like to know how guy does his hair and what is the name of the color"
Our answer: Guy uses several similar shades of platinum. He has someone who touches it up in Chicago, someone in New York and two in California. For the spikes, he uses J Beverly Hills Clear Wax. He was in an airport, and a woman just walked up and gave him some. Guy says, "It's the best stuff in the world."
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