Angelan from Vero Beach asked, "Why does Guy not eat fried eggs??? Thanks"
Our answer: Guy isn't fond of eggs. He'll use them as an ingredient, but not as a dish by itself. He also doesn't care for chocolate! And says "no way" to liver. :)

Our answer: It's called a Virtuo Smartjuke, by Touchtunes. But they don’t sell to private consumers; their product is for places that play music such bars, clubs, etc.
Gaylen of Minneapolis wrote, "Near the end of one of your recent shows, you filmed a strange looking dog staring through a window. I never laughed so hard! Love your sense of humor. Please let me know the name of the episode."
Our answer: Well shoot! I must have missed that one. But you're right, Page Productions did enjoy slipping a little humorous anecdote into the last moments of the show. Always fun. Maybe another reader remembers the episode? Please comment!

Our answer: I'd definitely start with the store management where you bought it. The BBQ sauces and salsas are produced by Gia Russa. If you have questions regarding ingredients, finding a product locally or packaging, contact them by phone at (800) 527-8772.

Our answer: If it's the ring I think you're referring to, it is not a wedding ring. It's a college graduation ring that Guy bought for himself while still living in Las Vegas. Sometimes he wore it on his left hand 3rd finger, sometimes not.

Our answer: Tailgate Warriors was produced by Page Productions. Due to the recent fallout between them and Guy Fieri, that show is not currently in production. If it is ever picked up by another production company, we'll sure post about it!
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